Thursday, January 26, 2012

prompt 14

My group presentation dealt with climate change. After reading through all the articles and writing my section of the project i realized that climate change is made worse by humans. The burning of fossil fuel is a major contributing factor to the problems of climate change but that is most certainly not the only issue. And this was reinforced through working on the group presentation.

Dawson's article speaks greatly on racism and classism. It ties into lifeboat ethics. THe burden of fixing the damage we have done shouldn't be placed on one specific group. I agree with it because afterall everyone has some part in pollution and climate change but it is also hard to fully say that I agree because why should some bear the brunt of things that they didn't have a large hand in.

In We all Live in Bhopal, Bradford talks about how environmental issues are pushed on the poor. The problem is that they can't really do anything to combat problems. So In placing these issues upon people who aren't equipped to properly deal with them, we are essentially making things worse.

Pollution on the part of humans is a major contributing factor to climate change. I was most interested in the pollution group project bceause I felt that it had many similarities to our project was directly related.

Sbranch spoke about the metaphor created in Hardin's lifeboat ethics. Essentially Hardin presents us with this:   Richer nations are looked at a lifeboat full of rich people, who are comfortable because the boat is not overcrowded and these people know that they will be safe. Boats that are overcrowded present poorer nations. Members of the poorer nations in some cases jump out in hopes that they will make it to one of the lifeboats with the richer people in attempt to better themselves. I think there is more to Hardin's point than just allowing people from other nations to come into ours in attempts at having access to better resources. I agree with Sbranch in that countries like the US who are developed and wealthy have taken advantage of poor countries for years. Problems that exist in these countries are honestly created and made worse by bigger nations coming in and thinking that they are doing good when in reality they aren't. THe US doesnt understand the ways in which other countries function because the culture and law is different. Therefore we shouldn't be intervening but if we do make it worse, then we should have to make it better. 

Thierno wrote about industrialization and how that affects pollution. Capitalistic ways have caused industrialization to be on the rise for 100s of years. Countries may think it is beneficial because it will aid in economic growth but they fail to consider other affects that industrialization has. This directly ties into the issue of economics in contribution to climate change. It is a trade off and in attempt to grow and strengthen the economy, we have made the environment worse and have caused greater climate change. 

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